Plumber Supply Company in Dhaka
Max Outsourcing is a leading plumber supply company in Bangladesh. We have a team of highly skilled plumbers who have vast experience in plumber installation works. We take pride in offering high-quality plumber services at very affordable rates. Our customers are satisfied with our quality service.
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world. The city is home to a thriving business community, and there is a constant demand for reliable, skilled professionals to support businesses operating in the city. One such company is Max Outsourcing, a plumbing supply company based in Dhaka. The company has been providing quality plumbing supplies and services to businesses in Dhaka since 2011. With over 10 years of experience serving the Dhaka business community, Max Outsourcing is a trusted source for plumbing supplies and services.
What is plumber work?
Plumbers are in charge of installing and repairing water supply, sanitation units as well as related appliances. They also assess plumbing systems to diagnose issues before implementing workable solutions that can benefit their building’s overall maintenance.
A plumber is a professional who installs, repairs, and maintains all types of water/gas supplies. They also assess plumbing systems to diagnose issues before implementing solutions that work best for the customer’s needs in an efficient manner while maintaining cleanliness throughout their indoor environments with efficiency!
What you need to know before hiring a plumber?
Plumbers are in charge of installing and repairing water supply, sanitation units as well as related appliances. They also assess plumbing systems to diagnose issues before implementing workable solutions that can benefit their building’s overall maintenance.
Make sure all pipes running through buildings have proper ventilation so no one gets lung disease from dirty air closing off other rooms or hallways where they don’t belong like at the end by your exit door which should always remain cracked open just because there is potential for pipe bursts if not checked.
Earn your State-required Certification and Plumbing License:
A successful plumber has many skills to offer, but one of the most important is earning and maintaining their plumbing license. Plumbers who don’t have these certifications can get in big trouble with local authorities if they’re working on jobs where a state certification might be required! So what do you need? The following guide will tell how long it takes to earn each type; there are two types under general licenses that cover almost any situation:
Residential or commercial – plus another dozen specializations for specialization purposes such as gas fitting installation…or just about anything else involving pipes anywhere at all.The very first step towards starting your own business as an experienced professional-level tradesman begins by gaining control over every aspect relating.

Great service, great value!
Plumbers must be proficient in using many different tools to complete their work. Some of the most common tools are a manifold gauge, tubing cutter, V-brake tool, and pipe wrench. The main tool used for all plumbing jobs is the pipe wrench. This is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of different situations. It may also be known as a Stillson wrench or a water pump handle. With this type of wrench, you will have the power and leverage needed for even the most challenging plumbing tasks.

If you're just starting out, here's what it takes to become a licensed plumber
– 4 years of experience for general licenses
– 2 years of experience in addition to an apprenticeship for commercial licenses
– Complete a training program specializing in residential pipe fitting if you want to be specifically certified with the State in the Residential Plumbing trade.
Max Outsourcing is Dhaka’s leading plumbing company, providing quality customer services that benefit their customers’ businesses by creating efficient indoor environments while maintaining cleanliness throughout their buildings. So If you have any inquiry please feel free to contact Just give us a call at 01911895354 or email us at info@maxoutsourcingbd.com today!
How much does a plumber make per hour?
Plumbing work can be a very satisfying job for those who love being able to see the results of their hard work and dedication. However, it can be a dangerous one as well if you do not know what you are doing. Plumbers have a long list of tools that they use to complete their jobs successfully. Without these tools, it would be impossible to complete the tasks at hand successfully.

Some of the more common tools include
Manifold gauges – This is used to measure pressure in different parts of the plumbing system Tubing cutter – A tubing cutter is used to cut through metal piping V-Brake tool – A V-brake tool makes it possible to bend PVC piping without causing it to crack The main tool used for all plumbing jobs is the pipe wrench. This is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of different situations. It may also be known as a Stillson wrench or a water pump handle. With this type of wrench, you will have the power and leverage needed for even the most challenging plumbing tasks.
When considering going into plumber work, it is important that you learn about all of the tools that are necessary to complete well-done work. Plumbing can be dangerous if there are not enough safeguards in place to ensure everyone’s safety throughout the entire process!
Plumbers install pipes throughout homes and businesses by using various equipment, and supplies.
Why should you choose Max Outsourcing for your plumbing needs?
We have a dedicated team of plumbers who are always available to help you with your plumbing needs. We also have a wide range of experience in the plumbing industry, which means that we can handle any type of plumbing job. We also use high-quality, brand-name supplies and equipment, so you can be sure that your plumbing job will be completed correctly the first time.
Tools of the Trade: What Every Plumber Needs
It’s no secret that being a plumber is one of the most physically demanding jobs there is. From crawling through tight spaces to wrestling with rusty old pipes, plumbers put their bodies through a lot on the job. Not only do they have to be in excellent physical shape, but they also need to have a wide range of tools and supplies at their disposal to get the job done.
Research the necessary tools for a plumber
When considering going into plumber work, it is important that you learn about all of the tools that are necessary to complete well-done work. Plumbing can be dangerous if there are not enough safeguards in place to ensure everyone’s safety throughout the entire process!
Here is another article that I wrote on what does a plumber do
What does a plumber do? This is a question that many people ask, but don’t really know the answer to. A plumber is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the plumbing system in a home or business. They must be proficient in using many different tools to complete their work. Some of the most common tools are a manifold gauge, tubing cutter, V-brake tool, and pipe wrench. This is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of different situations. It may also be known as a Stillson wrench or a water pump handle. With this type of wrench, you will have the power and leverage needed for even the most challenging plumbing tasks.
A plumber is someone who installs and repairs pipes that supply water, gas to as well carry waste away from homes or businesses. They also install plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs sinks, toilets (toilets), dishwashers appliances like washing machines. Experienced plumbers train apprentices but some of them take on the responsibility themselves too because it’s their field-of-work after all!
On this page, you can find 18 synonyms for a plumber, such as a pipefitter, handyman/woman, and more.
Max Outsourcing is the leading firm of plumbers in Wichita, and if you have ever thought “plumber” was a little strange- that’s because they are known as liquid silver makers! The Romans had lead pipes back then too.
It’s not just about the cost of a service, but materials and time as well. When you call for plumbing help yourself most plumbers will be called in to make repairs or do restorative work like unclogging drains that were clogged by food waste.
In order to become a master plumber, one must have the drive and skill. A successful career as their profession requires high levels of intelligence in addition to a determination which will lead them up through ranks until they can work on large-scale projects such as those involving innovative solutions or construction management tasks at higher salaries than normal rank holders!